Hola everyone, I have a question for you guys.. Will u care to answer ? So here it is.. Which is the most favourite time of your day? Obviously it is rhetorical but anyone who is interested can let me know. According to me, for most people it is morning time when it's all bright and shine.. when everything and everyone is just rising.. it's a new day. New fresh..new start.. new beginning. .possibility of anything.. right? But most probably that's something only a morning person would say ..Isnt it?? Me on the other hand like I don't know how many people LOVE the evenings maybe because I was born at night right before midnight and was preparing during sunset to get into this world.. A little cheesy but which tells me I'm a evening person or night person. I just love this time of the evening when the sun is almost about to set. It's sunset time .. the most beautiful time of the day for me. Looking at it and appreciating it and just gazing at it in a...
Life is not a mere word but needs to be experienced in all its glory at its maximum capacity. Life is an adventure, if you make it one. Life is a beautiful journey, not a destination so why race through. Let's explore and enjoy these moments while it lasts. THINK about the various possibilities life offers us, WANDER to your heart's content exploring them and WONDER at all the joy, love and magic life throws at us while introducing the important things that needs only our action if possible.